Sometimes, its the things that couples don’t talk about that can make the most of a marriage and much of the time, couples won’t tell you about it because it’s well – private.
Oh, sure, you might hear a couple of women dishing with each other about their intimate lives, but you don’t get any details and there are lots of innuendos and raised eyebrows, but if you’re trying to get to the meat of the happy marriage, this can feel like walking around in a maze. So, it’s time to decode the “talk that says nothing” and get right down to what happy marriages are about.
Friendship and Respect
Lots of times, you will hear couples talk about how their spouse is their best friend and how they can spend all their time together and that’s just fine with them. This is one of the essential elements of happy marriages. Couples who are truly friends enjoy doing almost anything together, but they respect the fact that each part of the couple has friends, too. In other words, if you are a happily self contained unit, you will function better as a couple because your friends come after your relationship, but there is no possessiveness or jealousy, because you respect each other.
Honesty and Trust
Honesty and trust are an important part of making your relationship stronger and are another essential part of happy marriages all around the world. If you know that there is honesty, then you will be able to trust and you will be able to focus on making your lives as a couple grow and become deeper and more meaningful. It’s always important to make sure that both of you stay honest with one another. No matter how angry your spouse might get about that bounced check or extra pair of shoes or the email from an ex girlfriend, you must stay honest. Happy marriages are happy because both parts of the couple understand that their spouse is honest with them about tough stuff all the time, so the little things are no big deal.
Intimate Relationship
You probably think that all happy marriages are based around intimacy, but intimacy isn’t just about sex. Although this is an amazingly important part of intimacy, you need to know how to take it a step further. Sometimes, as a couple, you might not be completely “in sync” with who wants what when, but if you give a little when you don’t exactly feel like it, then your spouse is likely to do the same for you.
Intimacy also has to do with being able to bare your body and your soul and not being afraid of being ridiculed for any parts of your being. Even if your wife’s post-baby body is a little less attractive to her than it used to be, it’s up to you to let her know that you still find her very attractive. She will do the same for you if your spare tire starts to swell, too.
When you can keep in mind that happy marriages are a balance of many different factors, you don’t have to worry about being short sided or focusing on one part of your marriage and ignoring the rest. Instead, when you work on all parts of your relationship, you can have a well rounded, happy marriage for life. These are some of the factors on how to make your relationship stronger.
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